Product Lineup

Shrimp mixed feed

P. japonicus

This product is widely used and popular in our shrimp feed products. It is a well-balanced product for shrimp farming in aspects including growth, efficiency, and cost.

P. monodon

This is a low-cost feed made commercially available to meet the needs of fish farmers. This product is recommended for use in low water temperatures when considerable growth cannot be expected, and feed costs must be reduced.

P. vannamei

This product has excellent cost performance by designing a formula that matches the feeding habits of shrimp and is well-balanced in growth, feed efficiency, and feed cost.

Powerful Prawn

Powerful Prawn is specialized for high water temperatures (above 30°C), which can be particularly stressful for shrimp. This product is designed to achieve growth and improved yield by enhancing comprehensive vitamins and adjusting the balance of EPA and DHA.

Other Shrimp Feed】

ZM feed (for Zoea and Mysis)

ZM feed is a particulate feed for shrimp larvae developed as an alternative to phytoplankton (e.g. diatoms). The feed consists of two types, one for Zoea and the other for Mysis. The feed is expected to shorten the production period and improve yield by designing the most suitable exclusive design for each larval stage. The types of shrimp applicable to the feed include KURUMA shrimp, black tiger shrimp, and whiteleg shrimp.

Fish mixed feed

Eel feed

Our eel feeds includes EP feed and mash feed (dough-type feed), and we have a range of products that can be selected according to the aquaculture environment and the intended purpose. EP feed for eels is designed to contain as little flour and starch as possible, which can affect digestion and absorption. It also contains high amounts of highly palatable fishmeal and krill meal to achieve high protein content. Mash feed is a product that can be used for all growth stages from glass eels to fully grown eels , thanks to the high nutritional content of fishmeal and the high water addition rate achieved by pulverizing the feed.

Larval feed and juvenile feed

Improvement in growth and yield can be anticipated using our feed designed for fish larvae and juvenile. In addition, we have a lineup of floating and sinking forms according to fish species and purposes. Productivity enhancement can also be expected with our feed enriched with polyphenols, vitamins, and minerals from several natural plant sources.

Other Feed

We also offer a variety of other feed products such as mackerel, striped horse mackerel, grouper, tuna, salmon, and carp. Please feel free to contact us for the most suitable product according to the type of fish.



  • 株式会社ヒガシマル
  • 〒899-2594 鹿児島県日置市伊集院町猪鹿倉20番地
  • 管理部TEL:099-273-3859 FAX:099-273-6968
  • 飼料営業部TEL:099-273-2538 FAX:099-273-3863
  • 食品営業部TEL:099-273-4653 FAX:099-273-3857